In the era of CBC (Competence Based Curriculum ) RODI has adopted teaching children  arts and crafts skills. By integrating this technique into the primary school curriculum, they provide students with a platform to explore their artistic instincts while learning valuable skills.  

Tie-dye, is a form of art that involves twisting, folding, or bunching fabric and binding it with a string or rubber bands before applying dye. The result is a pattern of colours that are unique to each piece.

Tie and dye gives the children a unique opportunity to express their skills and use their imagination to transform fabrics to a work of art. This makes the children proud of the work they have done.

RODI staff have recognized the profound impact that engaging with tie-dye can have on children. By introducing this technique into primary school curriculums, they are not only teaching kids about colour theory and pattern design but also encouraging them to explore their own artistic instincts.

 As the  children develop their artistic skills, they also become aware of the broader possibilities for applying these skills in the real world. This approach aligns seamlessly with the CBC’s goal of preparing students for future success by equipping them with competencies that are relevant in today’s dynamic world.

By combining creativity with economic potential, this initiative exemplifies how arts education can be a powerful tool for personal and professional development.

This initiative not only enriches their artistic skills but also opens up economic opportunities for them in the future.