RODI Kenya was established after Mr. Eliud Ngunjiri recognized the need for small scale farmers to become food secure and feed their communities. Over the years, the mandate has expanded from farmers to prisoners, prison staff, community members, children in schools (Primary and Secondary), youth, farmer trainers and refugees.
The purpose of providing sustainable agriculture training is to provide the beneficiaries the mandate to enhance food security, while creating employment and earning income for themselves.
RODI interventions are designed to work with smallholder farmer groups to offer them additional capacity building and technical support in agro-ecological farming practices, agribusiness, agro-processing, value addition, marketing and marketing linkages.
The interventions contribute to global efforts towards realization of sustainable development goals No. 2 and No. 12: End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture; and Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns respectively.
The intervention shares agro-ecological farming practices and focuses on production, value chain development, linking farmers to markets and increased access to financing.
The beneficiaries are also awarded National Industrial Training Authority (NITA) certified certificates which they can use to gain meaningful employment.