Table Banking-Group Saving and Loaning
Implemented since 2004 with support from community resource Mobilisation and the GLS Foundation for Future Development.
The Groups Savings and Loaning – Table Banking project aims at strengthening the capacity of communities
members and shifting the saving and loaning power to them, and by so doing, helping them to access financial
services. The table banking project is a community led micro-finance model where communities organize
themselves in groups, get registration with department of social services and mobilize their own resources though
saving and loaning.
The project is currently active in 3 counties: Muranga, Nyandarua and Kiambu targeting 48 community groups
Since 2006, RODI has supported over 2000 community members access loans through table banking project. As a
result, the project has impacted positively on the ability of members to manage their savings, access loans and by
extension take greater control of their livelihoods and futures. The project has contributed significantly to supporting
farming enterprises, children education, housing and access to property, and income generating activities among
Looking ahead to 2030, RODI believes that scaling up and strengthening the GSL model and supporting GSL
members to pursue their economic and development goals can have a substantial impact on the achievement of the
2030 U.N. Sustainable Development Goals. To achieve that scale, RODI proposes to upscale the current table
banking project to reach more groups targeting women and youth with economic empowerment interventions.